Service Terms and Agreements
This Service Terms and Software Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into between Inriskable (referred to as "we", "our", or "us") and the licensed professionals and financial institutions (referred to as "users" or "you") who wish to use our software. By using our software, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.If you are accessing or using the Product on behalf of your company, you represent that you are authorized to accept this Agreement on behalf of your company. By signing up, accessing, or using the Product, Customer indicates its acceptance of this Agreement and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

This document governs the use of the Inriskable Cloud Service, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform designed to assist financial institutions and financial professionals in the identification of fraud, money laundering, and credit risks specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and individuals in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. Leveraging open news data and litigation data, our platform employs artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to analyze and detect risks associated with the entities being searched.

1. Subscription Policy

The subscription's Effective Date is the date on which the Customer first accepts this Agreement. The Subscription Period extends for a duration of 1 month(s) starting from the Effective Date. To terminate the subscription, the Customer is required to provide a notice of at least 3 days prior to the conclusion of the current Subscription Period.

2 Use Limitations
The purpose of this provision is to ensure that the software is used only by qualified individuals or entities who possess the necessary expertise or regulatory authorization. By restricting access to licensed professionals and financial institutions, Inriskable aims to maintain the integrity and security of their product while complying with any legal or industry-specific requirements.

2.1 Authorized Use: Our software is exclusively intended for use by licensed professionals and financial institutions. By using our software, you confirm that you are a licensed professional or represent a financial institution eligible to access and use our services.

2.1.1. Scope: The software Inriskable is designed and intended for use only by two specific categories of users: licensed professionals and financial institutions. These categories are defined as individuals or organizations that meet certain qualifications or hold specific licenses.

2.1.2. Acknowledgment: By choosing to use the software, the user explicitly acknowledges and confirms that they fall into one of the authorized categories. This acknowledgment is important because it establishes the user's understanding of their eligibility to access and utilize the software.

2.1.3. Licensed Professionals: This category typically includes individuals who hold professional licenses or certifications in a relevant field. For example, it could refer to licensed accountants, bankers, money lenders, compliance analysts, lawyers, solicitors or other professionals who require specialized training or credentials.

2.1.4. Financial Institutions: This category encompasses organizations such as banks, credit unions, investment firms, insurance companies, or any other entity involved in financial services. These institutions are recognized as being eligible to access and use the software due to their specific role in the financial industry.

2.2. Prohibited Use
Users of our software are explicitly prohibited from utilizing the information provided by the software for any illegal purposes. This includes but is not limited to:

2.2.1. Engaging in any form of unauthorized access, hacking, or attempts to breach the security measures of the software or any connected systems or networks.
2.2.2. Distributing or disseminating any content that is unlawful, defamatory, obscene, offensive, or infringing upon the intellectual property rights of others.
2.2.3. Engaging in fraudulent activities, such as identity theft, impersonation, or forging of documents, with the assistance of the software's information.
2.2.4. Violating any applicable laws, regulations, or statutes related to privacy, data protection, or intellectual property rights.
2.2.5. Using the software for unauthorized commercial purposes, such as selling, reselling, or sublicensing the information provided by the software without proper authorization.
2.2.6. Engaging in activities that may disrupt or interfere with the functioning of the software, including but not limited to introducing viruses, malware, or other harmful elements.Engaging in any form of illegal gambling, betting, or other activities that contravene local, national, or international gambling laws.
2.2.7. Engaging in any form of harassment, stalking, or threats towards individuals or groups with the assistance of the software's information.

It is important to note that this list of prohibited uses is not exhaustive, and users are expected to exercise judgment and adhere to all applicable laws and regulations when using the software. We reserve the right to determine, at our sole discretion, whether a user's actions constitute a violation of the prohibited use clause.

We reiterate that we, as the provider of the software, shall not be held responsible for any potential losses or damages that may arise as a result of unauthorized or illegal use of the information provided by the software. Users who choose to engage in such prohibited activities do so at their own risk and assume full responsibility for any consequences that may follow.

We strongly advise all users to abide by applicable laws and regulations and to use the information provided by our software in a responsible and lawful manner. Any misuse or illegal use of the software is strictly prohibited, and we reserve the right to take appropriate actions, including but not limited to terminating access to the software, reporting illegal activities to the relevant authorities, and seeking legal remedies as permitted by law.

2.3 Limitation of Liability
While we make every effort to protect our customers' data, we do not assume responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by the customer. This includes but is not limited to data breaches and leaks, system failures, interruptions in service, third-party actions, and any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages. We encourage users to take the necessary precautions to safeguard their data. In the event of any litigation or legal action involving users' activities with Inriskable, the customer agrees to indemnify and hold the company harmless from any claims, expenses, damages, or liabilities arising from such litigation. In no event shall Inriskable be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with your use of our services, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

2.3.1 System Failures: The limitation of liability can extend to system failures. This means that if there are technical issues or malfunctions that result in the loss or damage of customer data, Inriskable would not be held responsible.

2.3.2 Interruptions in Service: The clause can cover interruptions in service. If Inriskable are temporarily unavailable or inaccessible, and as a result, the customer suffers any loss or damage, Inriskable would not be liable for such consequences.

2.3.3 Third-Party Actions: The limitation of liability may include third-party actions. This means that if a third party, such as a hacker or cybercriminal, gains unauthorized access to customer data or causes any harm, the company would not be held responsible for the actions of that third party.

2.3.4 Indirect, Incidental, Consequential, or Punitive Damages: The clause can specify that the limitation of liability applies to various types of damages, including indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages. These types of damages may include financial losses, reputational harm, or other indirect or consequential harm suffered by the customer as a result of a data breach or other incidents.

2.3.5 User Responsibility for Data Protection: The clause continues to emphasize the importance of user responsibility in safeguarding their data. It encourages users to take necessary precautions, such as using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and regularly updating their security measures.

2.3.6 Litigation or Legal Action: The limitation of liability clause can address situations where Inriskable becomes involved in users' litigation or legal action. This could include scenarios where users or the users' company is sued by a customer, a third party, or faces regulatory actions related to data breaches or other incidents.

2.3.7 Indemnification: The clause can state that in the event of litigation or legal action, the customer agrees to indemnify the company. This means that the customer takes on the responsibility of compensating the company for any claims, expenses, damages, or liabilities arising from the litigation.

2.3.8 Claims and Liabilities: The limitation of liability extends to claims and liabilities arising from litigation. This includes costs associated with legal representation, court fees, settlements, and any damages awarded against the company.

2.3.9 Expenses: The clause can encompass various expenses incurred during litigation. This may include costs related to investigation, forensic analysis, or any other expenses necessary to respond to legal action.

2.3.10 Hold Harmless: The customer agrees to hold the company harmless, meaning they will not hold the company responsible or seek damages from the company for any claims or liabilities arising from the litigation.

3. Data Protection
We are committed to ensuring the security and protection of our customers' data. We implement industry-standard measures to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the data. However, it is important to note that no system or method of data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed as completely secure. This means that while we take extensive precautions and employ industry-standard security measures to protect customer data, it is impossible to provide an absolute guarantee of security. The inherent nature of data transmission over the internet introduces certain risks that are beyond our control. Despite our best efforts, unauthorized access, hacking, or other forms of data breaches can occur.

The Product is only authorized for use by licensed professionals and financial institutions. As such, it is important for Inriskable's users to understand and acknowledge their responsibility in obtaining customers' consent for any sensitive information provided to Inriskable.

Inriskable's users, such as financial professionals and financial institutions, are responsible for obtaining proper consent from their customers before providing any sensitive information to our platform. This includes obtaining consent for the collection, processing, and storage of customer data within the scope of using the Product. By using the Product, Inriskable's users acknowledge and accept the responsibility to obtain appropriate consent from their customers. This ensures compliance with relevant data protection laws and regulations, as well as maintaining transparency and trust with customers regarding the handling of their sensitive information.InRiskable will support its users in implementing data protection measures and may provide guidance or tools to assist with obtaining customer consent. However, the ultimate responsibility for obtaining consent lies with the users of the Product.

It is recommended that Inriskable's users review and comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations in their jurisdiction to ensure the lawful and ethical handling of customer data.

4. Change of Inriskable Cloud Service Fees
Certain parts of the Product have different pricing plans, which can be found on the Provider's pricing page at ( Under this new provision, the Customer is responsible for paying fees to the Provider based on two factors: the Product tier selected by the Customer at the time of creating their account, and the Customer's usage during each Subscription Period.The Provider reserves the right to update the pricing of the Product. In the event of a pricing update, the Provider must provide the Customer with a notice of at least 14 days before the changes take effect. Such notice may be given through email or a notification within the Product itself. Any changes to the pricing will apply starting from the next Subscription Period following the notice period.

5. Payment Period and Invoice Period
The Payment Period is 1 day(s) from the last day of the Subscription Period. The Invoice Period is monthly.

6. Key Terms
6.1. Customer: The term 'Customer' refers to the company or individual who accesses or uses the Product. If an individual is accepting this Agreement on behalf of a company, any reference to 'Customer' in the Agreement will pertain to that specific company. This ensures that the obligations and rights under the Agreement apply to the entity using the Product.

6.2. Provider: The term 'Provider' specifically identifies ASK AMY CO., LIMITED as the entity responsible for providing the Product. This clarifies the identity of the party with whom the Customer is entering into the Agreement.

6.3. Effective Date: The 'Effective Date' signifies the date when the Customer first accepts this Agreement. It establishes the starting point for the Agreement's validity and marks the commencement of the contractual relationship between the Customer and the Provider.

6.4. General Cap Amount: The 'General Cap Amount' refers to the maximum limit on the fees paid or payable by the Customer to the Provider within the 12-month period immediately preceding the claim. This sets a financial threshold beyond which the Customer is not obligated to pay any further fees in relation to the Product. The General Cap Amount provides a measure of financial protection for the Customer.

6.5. Governing Law: This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. This means that the rights, obligations, and interpretation of the Agreement are determined by Singaporean law. It establishes the legal framework within which any disputes or issues arising from the Agreement will be resolved.

6.6. General Cap Amount
The General Cap Amount refers to the fees paid or payable by Customer to Provider in the 12-month period immediately before the claim. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. Any disputes arising from or relating to this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Singapore.

7. Notice Address
7.1 For Provider: The designated email address for sending notices to the Provider is This provides the Customer with a specific and official channel to communicate with the Provider regarding any notices or notifications required under the Agreement.
7.2 For Customer: The designated email address for sending notices to the Customer is the main email address associated with the Customer's account. This ensures that the Customer receives important communications and notices from the Provider at their primary contact point.

8. Accepting this Service Agreement
By accepting this Agreement, you (the 'Customer') acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to all the terms and conditions outlined herein. You confirm that you have carefully reviewed the entire Agreement, including all its provisions, terms, and conditions. By accepting the Agreement, you confirm that you have taken the time to read and comprehend the content of the Agreement in its entirety. You acknowledges that you understand the rights and obligations set forth in the Agreement, and you are aware of the implications of entering into this contractual relationship with the Provider. This includes understanding the scope of the Product, the associated fees, any limitations or restrictions, and any other provisions outlined within the Agreement.

Furthermore, by accepting the Agreement, you affirms your agreement to be bound by all the terms and conditions stipulated therein. This means that you are legally and contractually obligated to adhere to the obligations, responsibilities, and restrictions set forth in the Agreement. And you are fully informed and aware of the Agreement's contents, and that you enter into the contractual relationship with the Provider willingly and with a clear understanding of their rights and obligations. It also serves as evidence that the your acceptance of the Agreement is a deliberate and informed decision, which can be relied upon in the event of any disputes or misunderstandings between the parties.

9. Use of company logo
By using Inriskable, you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use your company logo for marketing purposes. This license allows us to display your logo in various formats and across different platforms.

9.1. Your logo may be incorporated into various marketing assets such as brochures, flyers, and presentations that promote Inriskable. This helps to showcase our partnerships and client relationships, enhancing credibility in our marketing efforts.

9.2. Your logo may feature prominently on our website, especially in sections dedicated to client testimonials, case studies, or our "Clients" page. This visibility aims to highlight our collaboration and can serve as a form of endorsement for your brand.

9.3. We may include your logo in our social media posts to announce partnerships, highlight success stories, or promote events. This could involve tagging your official social media accounts, which can help drive engagement and visibility for both parties.

If applicable, your logo may be displayed at events sponsored or hosted by Inriskable, including webinars, conferences, or trade shows. This can provide additional exposure to attendees and participants. We will seek to use your logo in a manner that aligns with your branding guidelines. If you have specific requirements regarding logo usage (e.g., color, size, placement), please communicate these to us in writing. We will provide you with the opportunity to review and approve any promotional materials featuring your logo before they are published to ensure alignment with your brand identity.

10. Marketing, promotions and communications
By signing up for Inriskable, you consent to receive marketing communications from us. These communications are designed to keep you informed and engaged with our offerings, and may include:

10.1 We will send you tutorials and guides that help you effectively utilize Inriskable’s features. This may include written content, video demonstrations, and best practice recommendations tailored to your specific use cases.

10.2 You will receive notifications about special promotions, discounts, and exclusive deals available only to our registered users. These offers may be time-sensitive and could include seasonal promotions or loyalty rewards for continued usage.

10.3 We will inform you about upcoming webinars, workshops, or industry events that we are hosting or participating in. You may receive invitations to attend these events, which often feature expert speakers, interactive sessions, and opportunities for networking with other users.

10.4 We will keep you updated on new features, enhancements, and changes to Inriskable. This communication will ensure you are aware of the latest capabilities and how they can benefit your business.

You retain the right to opt out of these communications at any time. Instructions for unsubscribing will be clearly provided in each email. We respect your privacy and will not share your contact information with third parties without your explicit consent, except as required by law. Our communications aim to provide value and enhance your experience with Inriskable.

11. Data Usage and Analytics
We will use your search data and interactions within the Inriskable platform to conduct analytics and improve our services. This process is crucial for understanding user behavior and refining our offerings, and includes:

11.1 We track how users interact with various features of Inriskable. By analyzing this data, we identify which features are most frequently used, which may need improvements, and how users navigate the platform.

11.2 We examine patterns in user engagement to understand what content and functionalities are most valuable to our users. This analysis allows us to make data-driven decisions regarding future updates and enhancements.

11.3 Insights from user interactions inform our product development efforts. We prioritize new features and improvements based on actual user needs, ensuring that our development aligns with user expectations and enhances overall satisfaction.

11.4 We may utilize data to tailor user experiences, such as customized recommendations or alerts about features that may be beneficial based on your usage patterns. This personalization aims to improve your interaction with our software.

Data collected for analytics purposes will be handled with care, and we commit to using it solely for the purposes described. We will not sell or lease your data to third parties without your explicit consent. Furthermore, we will ensure that any data shared in aggregated or anonymized form does not identify individual users, maintaining your privacy while allowing us to enhance our services effectively.

9. Changes to Terms
We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. Your continued use of Inriskable after any changes indicates your acceptance of the new terms.