Unlock private companies data-driven insights.
Understand private companies information, for lead generation, due diligence & establish trusted relationship, in real time.
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Powering the world’s best sales and due diligence team. From next-gen startups to established enterprises.
New Inriskable, better experience.
Latest features with Inriskable focus in providing more in-depth analysis with private companies profile.
Learn more about our latest updatesBetter data with company profile
Wider analysis with companies' major contracts, product and business nature.
New and faster homepage
Load faster and revamped the landing page.
Enriched data visualization
Complex data is simplified through our charts, dashboards, and data visualizations.
Full understanding of a company's history and context.

Find accurate official and alternative information in seconds, from the authority to the community.
Financial report. Analyse cashflow and performance.
Shareholding. Dig into the structures and related companies.
Directors. Find important people of the company and their stake.
Company registry details. Access to free information for validity check.
Fraud. Contribution from our community to spot fraudsters.
News and litigation. Spot negative news from global sources.
Live company search
Search with company names to find related companies.

News and litigation risk assessment
NLP-powered key info extraction from litigations, news and public opinion
Analyze valuation for investment

Access valuation with accuracy and and coverage to all Singapore private companies. Works better on Series A or above startups and middle-size private companies.
M&A. Find valuation of private companies in any sector.
Cap table. Retrieve their cap table with the most recent data.
Verify though official registries. Live search with trusted data.
Secondary trade. Get insights with their equity trade.
Cashflow. Retrieve their financials of expense and revenue.
Time interval analysis. Analyse healthiness across years.
Cap Table
View cap table with the most recent data of every Singapore private companies.

Secondary Trade
View who exit this company before, and who they have traded their equilty to.
One Platform.
All Purposes.
One subscription, endless insights—from diligence to prospecting.
Risk assessment. Sync PRs with issues that close automatically.
Business development. Create issues and set up alerts.
Market analysis. Understand SMEs markets .
Due diligence. Sync workspace data to external warehouses and databases.
KYB with company registry information. Keep a tight loop with your users.
Negative news search. Adverse news and public opinion.